kdramaongoing Top Ten Tuesday: Series I’d Like to Start/Catch up on/Finish and the #ReadWhatYouOwnChallenge kdramaongoing



Well this prompt is timely since I just declared my participation in Booktuber challenge that's kind of right along these lines! 

That challenge is to read (insert your choice of amount of books here) books from your own shelves before you BUY ANY MORE BOOKS! It's called #ReadWhatYouOwnChallenge. You know we've all done this kind of challenge before, but it's something I've been particularly thinking I need to do anyway. Like TRULY concentrate on doing it and see if I can feel just slightly less guilty about all the unread books around this house.

So I've been reorganizing my hoard of books and as part of that I pared down my TBR to the books I REALLY want to read next... here's that view now:

And so there are books on this shelf that are first or seconds (maybe even thirds and fourths?)  in series... and so it's THOSE that I want to catch up on first. Do you see them? Firefight, Goliath, Son, The Young Elites, Shadow Scale, The Gray Wolf Throne, Magic Study and Fire Study, Oathbringer (ha!), just to name a few. 

If you are interested in my video declaring my participation in the other challenge, here you go. Of course anyone can do this, so join in if you want!!

I'll also be reading Atomic Habits for Nonfiction November as part of this challenge. WAH! I have too many goals, I hope I can accomplish at least some of them!

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