kdramaongoing Book Review: Keep Moving by Maggie Smith kdramaongoing


Book: Keep Moving by Maggie Smith

Genre: nonfiction  motivational

Rating: ★ ★ ★ 

The subtitle for this one is "notes on loss, creativity and change." It all started when the author suffered through a divorce that devastated her. She started writing tweets to help herself get through things. And people really resonated with these tweets and so she compiled them into this book. Mixed throughout the tweets are snippets of her story and the struggles she's faced.

We read this one for book club and found out it wasn't the best to encourage a discussion. I enjoyed reading it and really related to a lot of the thoughts here. However, I didn't mark them and so it was hard to talk about, short of just flipping through the book and reading everything out loud.

Anyway. That being said, while reading it I would sometimes have to stop and really think about many of these thoughts... or affirmations I guess they are called. Some of them really hit home, even though I haven't had a big loss or anything. A lot of them had to do with just being good to yourself and allowing yourself to just keep plugging along despite the negative thoughts. And also how to keep fighting against negative thoughts. Something I deal with constantly. 

So, in the end, I really enjoyed it. Kind want to print up the ones I loved the most and put them where I can see them all the time. You know?

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