kdramaongoing Book Review: My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows kdramaongoing


 Book: My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows

Genre: YA fantasy

Rating: ★ ★ ★ 

Another fun one in the set of books these authors are doing that are basically retellings of famous Jane stories. This one is Jane Eyre's. And I loved that Charlotte Bronte and her brother are also characters in this story. Charlotte and Jane are friends at the boarding school and then Jane goes away to be governess. And there's a society that hunts ghosts and it appears that Jane is a great seer of ghosts (Helen Burns, a ghost, is her best friend and follows her everywhere) so the society is determined to get her to work for them. 

But in the meantime she has fallen in love with Rochester of course!

Anyway... the story is familiar and yet so many fun twists and turns to make it completely different. I really enjoy the creativity of all that. Sometimes the silliness of other things grates on me a bit, but not enough to not get a kick out of it all just have fun with it. 

Soon I'm sure you'll see me reading the story of the next Jane! (I think Calamity Jane is out now?)


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